Sunday, July 14, 2019

Power Ups and what have you

So I realised that drawing the sigils of my servitors and looking at them is an effective way of telepathic communication, as well as sensing how they all feel about each other.  Since they spawned from my mind it's easier to feel out.

I think if I practice literal quiet meditation I may be able to leave my body and interact with my incubus in another way.

He wants me to talk to him more, and I do talk to him just not really about anything too specific.  So my bad.

Anyway, I've been busy with non-Servitor and non-Incubus related magical stuff, so this update won't be long.

I did talk to all my servitors and decided who I should create next.  Lisa, interestingly, doesn't want more.  But you know, the plan originally had been to make HEAPS.  But that may be not feasible.

I do want to make a Godform type servitor - actually five.  As a new class of Servitor.  But they will require more effort and work to become uber powerful.  Basically, I want to make them like the gods of current religions.  Ooo maybe I should write bibles for each of them?  There really are endless possibilities...

Oh the reason for the name of this update is I did another power up ritual and used demonic chants for everyone again, all seven.  Seemed to work well.

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