So I'm back at it again.
Here's thinking I'd be done for a while after making my four wards. Figured I'd do some astral World Building or spend my time detailing the eight profiles of my team of Harem Servitors. I have outlined them, but I still figured it'd be a month or so before I created life again.
After creating Jayden however, my four servitors AND Allan, threw a party basically. They were so happy to have a new member added to my growing family. Heads up, it's probably gonna get HUGE.
But I'm gonna see what I can do about ensuring it won't be a burden on me. If it can be. Anyway
Here is Servitor 005. His name is Jayden.
Yes, a redhead. His body is actually heaps buff. I found a six-pack chiselled torso and stuck his face to it and it worked, cause that's how I see him.
Jayden is a party boy player who likes to try different things and experiment sexually. I said in his description that he doesn't love me. The Harem class of Servitors are different in a few ways. For one, only me and Allan are involved in their creation, seems like that's how it's gonna be. The Wards have a very important job so I needed them empowered. Their sigils (and I never reveal them publically) are also different, Jayden's contains the symbol for Sagittarius, Uranus and a rune. To help inform his personality.
He's had one ritual and I orgasmed while staring into his sigil. I sure am turned on by him.
The key main difference between Harem Servitors and Ward Servitors is that these Harems will be linked to amulets. I call them amulets but I made them myself out of arts-and-crafts supplies, look:
A different coloured bell with different coloured plastic string and the first three letters of their names. The others are already made and only need me to create life and attach it to them, but that WILL take time. I aint makin' seven new servitors all at once, regardless of how happy everyone gets when someone new comes along. And honestly, not all of these sex servitors are going to be as funny, charming or perhaps nice as Jay. I got some pretty dark desires too man.
It's getting harder to sense them, I used to pick things up like that but now it's like they're in a crowded room. I reckon Jay and Lisa have hit it off (he's bisexual), Jay and Dominic share a mutual interest. Jay has certainly got to know Timothy, Simon and Allan. But I can't say much more just yet.
The reason why I'm attaching them to amulets is because I also have a box covered in symbols, writing and a rune. It's a recharge and nap-time box. When I'm not using a sex servitor and don't want them out and free for whatever reason, I need only put them in the box. They are put into a comfortable sleep and are being nourished. If their amulet breaks they are simply no longer linked to it. When out of the box, they may feed off sexual energy.
I should get some hours sleep before work tonight, so I'll test out the box with Jay now. We'll both have a nap before tonight.
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